Monday, January 29, 2007

Frame Five

Meet yours truly.

I have a 430ex flash I use with my 20d, but, have never really used it for anything other than straight on, flat light shots with a lightshpere. I wanted to try something different. So, I bought a piece of white foamcore, set it to my left side and with camera on my tripod in the portrait position I bounced the flash off the foamcore about two feet to my left. It took me about a gazillion tries to get myself centered in the frame the way I wanted. I finally did and after much messing around in PS this is the result.

I'm not sure if the left side of my face is too bright or not. It's not blown out on my screen, but is "almost there" and fear it may be on others (I use a spyder2 for callibration).

Anyhow, it's been cold here and I haven't been out much with the camera. I figured I qualified for a "People" in "People, Places and Things of Central Iowa", so, this is what you're getting this week. :)

Canon 20d, Canon EF-S 60mm macro 2.8, shot manual - 1/250 - f/8 - 430ex E-TTL


Anonymous said...

I really like this shot.

Jen P. said...

A very nice, honest, straight forward portrait. Clarity is great and good use of the bounced flash. I love bouncing my flash. I bounce it all over the place. :)

Jeff said...

I agree. It works well for me too. I use a laptop computer (no calibration) but the whites are fine...not blown out on my monitor. Good work.

Yep. Photographers are "people" too.

Obsidian said...

I like this shot a lot and take courage from your experiments as my new Speedlight arrived today and as I am the only one willing to pose...

And of course you count as "people" :-)

Anonymous said...

Great job with the lighting! The large version looks a bit oversharpened, mainly around your beard and eyebrows, but that's probably petty input :-) I like the pose a lot and don't notice blown highlights. The catchlights in your eyes are excellent.